Kansas Ethics Commission
Select Page

SSI Instruction, Guide & Form


means any corporation, association, partnership, proprietorship, trust, joint venture, and every other business interest, including ownership or use of land for income.
“Candidate for Local Office” means any candidate for nomination or election to any elective office of a governmental subdivision.
“Compensation” means any money, thing of value or economic benefit conferred on, or received by, any person in return for services rendered, or to be rendered, by that person or another.
“Governmental Subdivision” means any city, county, township, school district, drainage district or other governmental subdivision of the state having authority to receive or hold public moneys or funds.
“Preceding Calendar Year” has its usual meaning, except that in the case of candidates and individuals newly appointed to office or employment, it means the 12 months immediately preceding a required filing date.

Who Shall File and When

Statement of substantial interests shall be filed by the following individuals at the time specified:

  • By a candidate for local office who becomes a candidate on or before the filing deadline for the office, not later than 10 days after the filing deadline, unless before that time the candidacy is officially declined or rejected.
  • By a candidate for local office who becomes a candidate after the filing deadline for that office, within five days of becoming a candidate, unless within that period the candidacy is officially declined or rejected.
  • By an individual appointed between January 1 and April 30 to fill a vacancy in an elective office of a governmental subdivision, between April 15 and April 30, inclusive of that year.
  • By an individual appointed after April 30 of any year to fill a vacancy in elective office of a governmental subdivision, within 15 days after the appointment.
  • By an individual holding an elective office of a governmental subdivision, between April 15 and April 30, inclusive, of any year if, during the preceding calendar year, any change occurred in the individual’s substantial interests.

Section Guide to Form

A_B NAME & POSITION: Self explanatory.
C OWNERSHIP INTERESTS: The value or percentage of a business interest is to be determined at the time of the required filing. The value assigned to a holding is the fair market value. Ownership of stocks and shares including traded and closely held stocks shall constitute legal or equitable interests for the purpose of this section. In addition, all retirement accounts and mutual funds must be listed. In reporting retirement accounts and mutual funds, include the name of the entity that holds the retirement plan assets or mutual funds and not the specific holdings of that plan, unless the holdings are specifically owned in the individual’s name. (See Governmental Ethics Commission Opinion 2000-52.) Business interests include, among other things, property held for rental, farming, commercial purposes and ownership of mineral rights. Also included are businesses operated out of your home. The address reported for land without a street address should include the rural route, town and state or township, county and state. For the purpose of this section, certificates of deposit, bank savings or checking accounts in a savings and loan, shares in a credit union, life insurance policies, annuities which are not part of a retirement plan, notes, bonds, debentures and mortgages need not be disclosed under this provision.
D GIFTS IN THE FORM OF GOODS OR SERVICES: If a gift is received for which the value is unknown, you are required to list the donor. You are not required to list the donor of a gift (1) if the gift or bequest was received as the result of the death of the donor; (2) if the gift was from a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt or uncle; or (3) if acting as a trustee of a trust for the benefit of another.
E COMPENSATION: The disclosure required under this section shall include the name and address of the business or combination of businesses, the type of business and a description of whether the compensation was received by the individual, the individual’s spouse, or both. The receipt of interest, dividends and mineral royalties does not constitute “compensation” as defined in K.S.A. 75-4301a(i), and those matters need not be reported under this provision; however, ownership interests concerning these items may need to be reported under section “C”.
F OFFICER OR DIRECTOR OF AN ORGANIZATION OR BUSINESS: The disclosure under this section shall include the name and address of the business or organization and the position held. A person holding the position of administrator or executor of an estate shall not be considered reportable under this section. The holding of a position of officer or director of an organization or business includes for profit and nonprofit organizations.
G RECEIPT OF FEES AND COMMISSION: The disclosure under this section shall include the name and address of the client or customer and a description of whether the fees or commissions were received by the individual, the individual’s spouse, or both. In the case of a partnership, it is the partner’s proportionate share of the business, and hence of the fee, which is significant, without regard to expenses of the partnership. An individual who receives a salary as opposed to portions of fees or commissions is generally not required to report under this provision.
Click here for Statement of Substantial Interests Form