Kansas Ethics Commission
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Campaign Finance

The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission is the state agency charged with administering, interpreting and enforcing the Campaign Finance Act (CFA) for elected state offices as well as the following local offices: county, first class city, Wichita school board, and the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities.

The Commission is statutorily charged with designing and providing all forms required to be filed under the Campaign Finance Act. The Elections Division of the Kansas Secretary of State’s office is the public repository for all state level campaign finance forms, reports and statements. All candidates for state and local office governed by the Commission must pay a registration fee at the time they file for office.

Candidates for state office must file their Appointment of Treasurer form with the Secretary of State. Candidates for local office file Appointment of Treasurer forms with their county clerk/county election commissioner.

Party committees and political action committees must file Statements of Organization in the Secretary of State’s Office. Political action committees must pay a yearly registration fee to the Governmental Ethics Commission.

All candidates, party and political action committees under the purview of the Commission must file either an Affidavit of Exemption From Filing Receipts & Expenditures Reports or file periodic Receipts & Expenditures Reports, whichever is applicable.

Campaign finance forms and reports submitted on behalf of candidates for state office, party and political action committees are scanned immediately by the Commission’s staff and are made available for viewing. A search of these forms may also be conducted from this Internet site link under “View Submitted Candidate & Committee Forms & Reports”.

The Commission’s staff enters candidate campaign finance data from the Receipts & Expenditures Reports filed at the state level. Statistics and contributor names are available to be viewed from this Internet site link to campaign contributors.