Blank Forms

The Secretary of State’s office provides for state candidates and organizations the ability to file campaign finance reports online. To access the electronic Campaign Finance filing system click here or follow the links below.

Campaign Finance Forms

The following forms and statements can be filled out online. Once the form is completed, print the form for signature and return it as directed per form instructions. The forms are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view, you will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Candidate For:

Political Action Committee: (any combination of two or more individuals or any person other than an individual, a major purpose of which is to expressly advocate the nomination, election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for state or local office or make contributions to or expenditures for the nomination, election or defeat of clearly identified candidate for state or local office.)
Out-of-State Political Action Committee: Verified Statement For An Out-Of-State Political Action Committee ( Not registered as a Political Action Committee with the Kansas Secretary of State.)
Party Committee: State, County Central Committee, Congressional or Legislative Caucus Committee
Independent ExpendituresThis report must be completed by each person, other than a candidate, party committee or other political committee, who makes Independent expenditures other than by a contribution to a candidate, party committee or other political committee, in an aggregate amount of $100 or more within a calendar year which expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate to any state or local office.
Constitutional Ballot Question: This report must be completed by every person who engages in any activity promoting or opposing the adoption or repeal of any provision of the Kansas constitution and who accepts money or property for the purpose of engaging in such activity.