Kansas law recognizes that the right of organized as well as unorganized interests to influence governmental policy is an integral part of the American and Kansas political process. Such efforts are based in large part on the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and association and the right to participate in one’s government. The thrust of existing legislation is not to hinder such activity but rather to ensure that it is carried out in view of the public.
In this context, the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission is charged, in part, with administering the state’s lobbying law, which provides for the registration and reporting of expenditures by lobbyists.
Who Must Register as a Lobbyist
- Any person to whom any of the following applies must register as a lobbyist:
- Any person employed to a considerable degree to lobby;
- Any person formally appointed to a specific position as the primary representative of an organization or other person to lobby in person on state property; or
- Any person who spends $1,000 or more in a year for lobbying exclusive of personal travel and subsistence expenses.
When to Register
A lobbyist must register in any calendar year before engaging in lobbying. Such registration expires annually on December 31 of the year for which the lobbyist is registered. Any person who registers to lobby must pay a registration fee for each employer, client, or organization such lobbyist represents. Registration fees are as follows:
- $50 if the lobbyist anticipates spending $1,000 or less for lobbying in a calendar year;
- $350 if the lobbyist anticipates spending more than $1,000 for lobbying in a calendar year; and
- $450 if registering as an employee of a lobbying group or firm.
To view current Lobbyist Registration Statements go to the Secretary of State’s site by clicking here.
All lobbyists under the purview of the Commission must file either an Affidavit of Exemption From Filing Lobbyist Employment and Expenditures Reports or the periodic Lobbyist Employment and Expenditures Reports.
The Commission’s staff enters expenditure data from the Lobbyist Employment and Expenditures Reports. Statistics and the recipient’s name are available to be viewed from this Internet site link to Expenditure Data.